


歡迎! 各位巧克力職人! 我們在這裡為您的巧克力創作灑上一些可可脂的魔法。使用調色可可脂可能看起來非常神秘,但別擔心!我們已經準備好了。這份資訊豐富的指南將點燃你的創造力,讓你能夠發揮內心的Amaury Guichon。準備好了,就讓我們一起踏入巧克力,這個無法讓人抗拒的世界。


  1. 把已經調色完的可可脂加熱到約攝氏 45°C (華氏113°F).


  2. 讓調色完的可可脂降溫至攝氏約34.5-35°C (華氏95°F)

    看起來您不僅重新排列了那些令人驚艷的Beta 5晶體,還有不受歡迎的晶體。生活有時會給我們帶來意外,但別擔心,現在可可脂只需要一點時間來冷卻。如果是那種可以在人行道上煎蛋的炎熱天氣,您可以加快冷卻過程,將它倒入碗中攪拌一下,或者放入冰箱中數分鐘,(注意,在過程中冰箱可能有水氣產生,記得用保鮮膜包覆好)。一旦達到攝氏34.5-35°C,就是給您的調色可可脂進行豪華spa的時候,只需塗上可可脂膏。就像用令人放鬆的spa護理來呵護它們一樣。(順帶一提,你知道可可脂是化妝品中的多功能成分嗎?是不是很迷人呢?)

  3. 加入約總重量 1-2% 的可可脂膏來調溫可可脂。


  4. 設定好工作溫度約攝氏30°C (華氏86°F),來調出不同顏色的可可脂吧!

    現在它們進入了狀態,保持這份愛!CocoPix是營造正確氛圍的你的秘密武器。就像擁有可可脂世界的瑪文蓋伊(Marvin Gaye),為你的可可脂顏色創造完美的氛圍。這個愛的故事已經被我們的客戶一次又一次地體驗過,他們使用CocoPix製作出令人驚艷的巧克力。愛是一種美好的事物,我們希望你也會愛上CocoPix!

保留您的創意: 儲存您調色完的可可脂

  1. 使用完後,請將罐子從 CocoPix 中取出,機器已完成工作了


  2. Allow The Colors To Setup: Let the Colors Settle.


  3. Store the bottles in a cool, dry location: Find a Cool, Dry Sanctuary

    Now that your cocoa butter colors have solidified, it's time to find them a home, away from excessive heat and humidity. Even cocoa butter colors deserve a break from the daily grind. Ensure they have the perfect sanctuary to rejuvenate, so they'll be fully recharged and ready to work their magic whenever you need them.

Remember, proper storage ensures your cocoa butter colors stay at their best, ready to dazzle you with their brilliance whenever inspiration strikes. By giving them the care they deserve, you're setting the stage for future chocolate adventures that are nothing short of extraordinary.

Now, go forth and find that special spot for your cocoa butter colors to call home, and let the enchantment continue!


Congratulations on giving your cocoa butter colors a well-deserved break! They've recharged their vibrant energy and are ready to dazzle once again. Let's bring them back to life with these rejuvenating steps:

  1. Retrieve the colors from storage.

    Wake them up from their peaceful slumber, and get them ready for their time in the spotlight.

  2. Set the CocoPix temperature to the working temperature of the cocoa butter colors.

    Create the perfect ambiance for your Cocoa Butter Colors by setting the CocoPix temperature to their ideal warmth about 30C. The CocoPix is ideal for the job, Just like a gentle lullaby, the CocoPix will serenade them, carefully raising the temperature and awakening their dormant beauty without causing any undue stress ensuring they never lose their temper. If you have ever been woken up by a loud noise, you know how it can ruin your entire day. But with the CocoPix making sure your cocoa butter colors always get the royal treatment, you can rest assured they will be ready to give you their best.

  3. Allow the colors to melt in the CocoPix.

    Now, it's time for your cocoa butter colors to indulge in their own beauty routine, just like prima donnas preparing for their grand performance. They'll take their sweet time to meticulously rearrange their crystals and primp themselves for the ultimate action. So sit back, relax, and let them work their magic, for when they emerge, they'll be ready to dazzle you with their radiant charm.

  4. Test the temper and ensure even distribution before applying the colors.

    Who hasn't caught themselves gazing into the mirror, ensuring they look their absolute best? Well, Cocoa Butter Colors are no exception! They crave that validation too. Give them the spotlight they deserve by testing a small drop on a smooth surface, like a luxurious marble countertop or a sleek strip of plastic. Allow a minute or so for the drop to set, and if it gracefully pulls away from the surface, revealing a mesmerizing shine, you can rejoice knowing that your cocoa butter colors are in perfect temper. It's their moment to shine, so give them a good shake, and they're ready to steal the show!

With these steps, your cocoa butter colors will emerge from their tranquil retreat, radiating renewed vibrancy and infusing your chocolates with a touch of magic. Get ready to embark on another colorful journey!

第四章: 影片教學



We hope this guide helps you in working with cocoa butter colors using CocoPix. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. Happy creating!

